BER’s have been required for all existing residential and commercial properties offered for sale or to let since 1st January 2009. BERs have also been required since 1st January 2007 for all new properties at planning stage.
A BER for a building will be valid for 10 years from the date of issue, unless there is a material change in the building in the meantime which could affect its energy performance, for example an extension to the building, a significant change to the building fabric or a change in the heating system or fuel used.
BER Certs & Experts in Dublin
For existing properties, a survey is required where all the necessary data necessary to complete the SEI DEAP (Dwelling Energy Assessment Procedure – Residential Properties) or SBEM (Simplified Building Energy Model – Commercial Properties) software is gathered.
A Residential BER Survey will typically take 1-2 hours, depending on the property type.
Our technical expertise and experience enables us to produce BER certificates accurately and efficiently, which is essential as even small errors inputting data into the DEAP and SBEM software can greatly affect the energy rating calculated.
We operate a rigorous auditing process where individual energy assessments are thoroughly reviewed prior to release. With current environmental and energy issues in mind, we achieved ‘Chartered Environmentalist’ status with the Society for the Environment, and are considered experts in the field of sustainable construction.
If you are selling or letting a property and require a BER Certificate, please contact us to arrange. You can contact us through this site, or through our dedicated BER website. Please see
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