Mortgage Valuations

We arrange mortgage valuations for banks and building societies in a timely manner in the greater Dublin area, helping to ensure that you get your mortgage on time.

A Mortgage Valuation is required by the lender in any property purchase for purpose of confirmation of the property value.

Please Note: A Mortgage Valuation Report confirms the current market value of the property, and a reinstatement cost in the event that a rebuild be required. A Valuation is carried out primarily for the benefit of the Lending Institution providing the mortgage and should never be confused with a fully comprehensive House & Apartment Pre-Purchase Survey which is a far more detailed assessment and report.

A Pre-Purchase Survey and a Mortgage Valuation are not the same thing and should never be confused as such.

We can arrange a Mortgage Valuation for you if you require. You should always check if your lender wishes for you to organise a valuation yourself, as often lenders arrange this themselves and maintain their own valuation panel.

Surveyors do not carry out Mortgage Valuations directly. We have partnered with a leading specialist Valuation Company for mortgage valuation referrals for our survey clients that also need a Mortgage Valuation arranged in addition to a Pre-Purchase Survey.

We do not get anything from this arrangement and it is purely to help better serve our survey clients.

Our Valuation Partner Company (Independent Valuations of Baggot Street) are on the main Bank Panel approved lists. They are extremely reliable and efficient, and provide a prompt turnaround from time of instruction.


We can arrange Mortgage Valuations for:

We are happy to arrange a Valuation for you in addition to a Pre-Purchase Survey if you wish. Simply let us know at the time of booking a Pre-Purchase Survey and we will be happy to arrange the Mortgage Valuation for you too. If you are booking a Valuation also, please let us know which lender you are using, and the property purchase price.

Note that you should always obtain a Mortgage Valuation to confirm the property value and rebuild cost, whether you are borrowing to buy, or are a cash buyer.

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